Face to Face support planned

Our virtual support programmes have been really popular and successful over the last 6 months, allowing us to work with families from the community we have supported before but also extend our reach to new individuals and families.

We plan to continue the virtual programme moving forward. But we have received feedback from our communities that although this virtual intervention has been fantastic and really helpful they would like a face to face programme of support too.

We plan to organise face to face support over the coming school holidays for children, adults and their support network through holiday camp provision. These will have mental and physical well-being workshops for children throughout the day and drop in session for adults and their support network.

Again these sessions will focus around mental and socialising, as well as essential life skills such as First Aid which people have told us they want to learn, helping people recover from the effects of Covid and give them important skills as a family.

We hope to be in a position to run these in the summer months when the majority of the sessions can be delivered outside is a Covid safe environment. Watch this space for further details over the coming months.

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